The annual Fireworks now a long tradition of Spleodar Halloween Arts Festival is a stunning spectacle of explosive colour. Come dressed up in your best costume to celebrate this All Hallows’ Eve ritual.
7pm, Thursday 31st October
CBS Sports Field, Tickets: €2, Family of 4 €5
Purchase at gate
Viewing Area A is for wheelchair & buggy users with access from Summer Hill only
Viewing Area B access to is from both Dublin Road & Summer Hill
*Please note there is only viewing Area A & B, and please move to these areas as instructed by a steward.

- parking available at The Abbey Court Hotel & The Nenagh Leisure Centre
- access at Dublin Road entrance for Viewing Area B only
- access at Summerhill for Viewing Area A & B
- follow the stewards’ instructions to the viewing point
- remain inside the barrier area at all times
- children should be accompanied by a supervising adult at all times
- dress warmly – it may be cold and damp
- once the fireworks are over move in an orderly manner to exits
- Enjoy the evening
- no fireworks or sparklers other than the licensed fireworks will be allowed
- alcohol is not permitted inside the CBS grounds
- no pets allowed